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I'm Overpowered but I'll Let the Hero Do His Thing While I Save the Last Boss

Reborn to Rescue a Video Game World!

After dying during a worldwide pandemic, ordinary college student Asteria was given a fresh start in the world of a popular video game. Her mission: to protect mankind from a forgotten danger. However, shouldn’t the original main character of “Tales of Vesterland” be given his chance to shine? Now, armed with ALL the cheats, she’s decided to let the hero do his thing while she saves the last boss and gets rid of the real villain who’s been hiding behind the scenes. Join this OP adventurer in her hilarious candy-fueled quest to befriend the hero, save the villains, and kick ass!

Also starring: Sariel. He thinks he’s hot stuff because has it all - looks, superhuman abilities, and a great fashion sense. Too bad that the process that gave him superpowers has a secret side effect…

Note: Multiple POV characters (male and female)

Cover: Sukmayukimura (commissioned custom art)

angels comedy fantasy slice of life urban fantasy young adult

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