The Soul Mate of a Demon Queen
Could you imagine a demon born in the pits of Hell willing to risk everything for one single moment of pure love?
Syliar Heartbreaker is such a demon.
By abandoning her Kingdom and going on an uncertain search for her soul mate, she risked angering both Heaven and Hell. Without a solid lead and the smallest ray of hope, all seemed lost for her, but when Archangel Metatron offered her a clue as to where she might find her beloved, she didn’t hesitate and took her chances. However, can she conquer his mortal heart when her very nature is her worst enemy and the demons she left untended for countless years begin to rebel and aim for his life?
Follow Syliar through this Paranormal Romance filled with blood, battles, and the sole desire of finding one’s true love!
Supernatural, Romance, Reincarnation, Action, Adventure, First Person Point of View
Rate 16+ for violence and gore