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The Germaine Truth

a multi-blog fiction

<em><strong>The Tales of Germaine, Oregon</strong></em>

<strong>The Applegate Trail:</strong>

Susie Applegate is a reporter for <em>The Germaine Truth,</em> the town newspaper, owned and operated by her dad, Howard Applegate. Susie chronicles the stories of the people of Germaine, and with the help of 11 year old Shaherazade Budreau, is determined to solve a 50 year old murder mystery - the death of a traveling jazz musician, Charles Sevigney LaFontaine, a black man from New Orleans, whose bones were found in a desert ravine. Then, there are the mysterious strangers in the Central Oregon desert, and the unfortunate incident in Room 17 of the Restin’ Easy…

<strong>A Stranger In Town:</strong>

Cynthea McCoy’s version of the truth is that of an outsider, a stranger in town. But the horoscope she writes as Madame Zorro for <em>The Germaine Truth </em>reveals an uncanny knowledge of the secrets of her neighbors. A recovering addict, she has found love and a certain measure of peace as the wife of Harlan McCoy. The McCoy family has a few secrets of its own. Now revelations about the murder of LaFontaine and the tragic death of his daughter, Rochelle, threaten to tear apart the town and the McCoys.

<strong>The Diary of Little Germaine:</strong>

Follow the pioneer diary of nine year old Germaine Van Bibber, as the founders of Germaine, Oregon travel across The Oregon Trail from Independence, Missouri in the summer of 1845.

<strong>The Medicine Bundle:</strong>

No one is who they seem to be in this town. Dr. Rosa is no exception. Physician at the EcoSurvival Village free clinic, the good doctor is operating without a license to minister to the people of Wilbur County. What is she hiding, or hiding from? And what is her relationship to The Unfortunate Incident in room 17? And what is her connection to this desolate spot of green on the edge of the Oregon desert?

complete ensemble magazines modern fiction mystery

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