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New Legends: A New Chapter in an Old Book

In the world of Ethel, sahir dominated. Towns, cities, regions, whole countries were engineered for the single purpose of producing malsirs. Their ability to wield sahir was paramount. Those who could wield it the best accomplished unimaginable feats. They shook the mountains, they froze the seas, they stilled the winds. They were legendary.

Today however, those feats are mere myths. Malsirs no longer command the same strength. Sahir, as a result, was steadily losing its luster, losing the limelight. A new age, an age of industry, was on the horizon and it threatened to revolutionize the world. Sadly, there were many who would never see the benefits of this new age. Caught in between the new and the old, fitting into neither, they were cast aside. Left to wither and die, they begin a revolution of their own.

Enter Kain Basileus, a boy who finds himself caught in the midst of these turbulent times. Ripped from the shadows he found comfort and thrust into the light, what story will he write?

action adventure fantasy romance

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