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Newest stories, tagged fantasy and romance and lesbian, ordered by increasing age since listing

Julia of Tylwyth Gardens

fae fairy tale family drama fantasy lesbian romance

3 boosters


The Saintess and The Villainess

She's meant to be the heroine, but all she wants to do is save the villainess!

court life fantasy gay lesbian queer romance

230 boosters


Rising Shards

comedy fantasy lesbian romance slice of life

32 boosters


Glints Saga: Papillon

Five years after saving the world, a former magical girl meets a butterfly-woman who might bring magic back into her life.

drama fantasy lesbian romance superhero urban fantasy

0 boosters


Hands Held in the Snow

An LGBT+ romance about a bookworm and a brat.

coming of age fantasy lesbian queer romance young adult

23 boosters



A web serial of cosmic horror, urban fantasy, and making friends with strange people

fantasy horror lesbian magic mental illness romance urban fantasy

6243 boosters



It begins with nothing.

action dark fantasy fantasy lesbian romance violence

10 boosters


These days,

a flower with no light, a sun with no life

anime fantasy lesbian manga romance science fantasy teenagers

0 boosters


Thalia's Musings

ancient rome bi comedy fantasy gay humor lesbian love love stories magic mythic relationships romance series siblings telepathy

1 booster


City of Roses

A Serialized Phantastick on The Ten Thousand Things & The One True Only

bi fae fantasy lesbian magic romance sex urban fantasy

1 booster